3. Cloud Infra Automation Framework User Guide

3.1. Introduction

Cloud Infra Automation Framework provides one-command deployments of various open source cloud technologies and different configurations of those.

This guide is structured in a way to give the users the most basic way to start using the framework. Later sections are structured after the technologies as they have differences such as the target environment support and so on.

3.2. Running Your First Deployment

In order to give a quick try to framework and see its capabilities, you need to run 3 commands in total. Once the execution of the command is completed, you will have fully functional platform which you can play with or get rid of it and deploy another and perhaps different one that serves your needs better.

3.2.1. Requirements

Before proceeding with the steps, it is important to list the requirements for this simple stack. You need to have a decent Linux computer with the specs below.

  • Linux Distribution: Ubuntu 1804

  • Minimum no of cores: 10

  • Minimum RAM: 14G

  • Minimum Disk Space: 150G

Please note that the default mode of operation is online deployment so the machine you are using the framework on requires internet access.

If you do not have a computer which meets the minimum requirements, you can always reach out to Nordix Infra Team on Nordix Discuss Maillist and asks to borrow resources for trying things out.

3.2.2. Getting Help

You can get help about the command line arguments to the framework using the commands below.

  1. Clone the repository from Nordix Gerrit

git clone https://gerrit.nordix.org/infra/engine.git
  1. Navigate to engine directory in your clone

cd engine/engine
  1. Issue the command to get help with package.sh

./package.sh -h

Usage: package.sh [-s <stack to package>] [-b <stack version/branch>] [-p <packaging profile>] [-d <distro>] [-v] [-h]

    -s: Stack to package. (Default kubernetes)
    -b: Stack version. (Default master)
    -p: Packaging profile. (Default full)
    -d: Distro. (Default ubuntu1804)
    -v: Increase verbosity and keep logs for troubleshooting. (Default false)
    -h: This message.
  1. Issue the command to get help with deploy.sh

./deploy.sh -h

Usage: deploy.sh [-s <stack type>] [-b <stack branch/version>] [-p <pod descriptor file>] [-i <installer decriptor file>] [-c <scenario/composition>] [-o <path to openrc>] [-d <distro>] [-x] [-v] [-h]

    -s: Stack to deploy. (Default kubernetes)
    -b: Stack version/branch. (Default master)
    -c: Scenario/deployment configuration which the SUT is deployed with. (Default k8-multus-plugins)
    -p: URI to POD Descriptor File (PDF). (Default https://gerrit.nordix.org/gitweb?p=infra/hwconfig.git;a=blob_plain;f=pods/nordix-vpod1-pdf.yml)
    -i: URI to Installer Descriptor File (IDF). (Default https://gerrit.nordix.org/gitweb?p=infra/hwconfig.git;a=blob_plain;f=pods/nordix-vpod1-idf.yml)
    -o: If deployed on OpenStack, path to OpenStack openrc file. (No default)
    -d: Distro to provision nodes with. (Default ubuntu1804)
    -x: Run in offline mode. Requires offline dependencies to be present on the machine. (Default false)
    -v: Increase verbosity and keep logs for troubleshooting. (Default false)
    -h: This message.

3.2.3. Deploy Now!

As promised above, here are the commands you need to run to get your first deployment started. We will start with cloning the Git repository where the framework is developed and version controlled followed by the actual command to initiate the deployment.

  1. Clone the repository from Nordix Gerrit

git clone https://gerrit.nordix.org/infra/engine.git
  1. Navigate to engine directory in your clone

cd engine/engine
  1. Issue the command to initiate the deployment


and that’s it. It will take approximately 40 to 50 minutes for deployment to complete. The framework deploys Kubernetes with Multus Plugins if no parameters are specified for deploy.sh script.

3.2.4. What Just Happened and What You Have There?

When you issue deploy.sh command, the framework starts with preparing your machine by installing few requirements which you can see by looking into engine/bindep.txt followed by creating of Python virtualenv to install Python dependencies listed in engine/requirements.txt.

Once the basic preparation is done, the next step is cloning the repositories that are needed for framework to continue with the rest.

After completion of this step, framework creates 2 libvirt VMs and installs the provisioning tool OpenStack Bifrost. After the installation of the provisioning tool, the VMs are booted up and the provisioning process starts. The VMs will be PXE booted and they are supplied the operating system images which is Ubuntu 1804. They are remotely controlled by Bifrost to power cycle which the framework uses OpenStack VirtualBMC.

After the completion of the provisioning, the VMs have remote connectivity but their configuration is incomplete. At this step, the framework proceeds with various configuration steps on the VMs such as installing operating system packages network configuration and so on.

Basic configuration of the VMs is followed by yet another clone operation which we pull down the installer for the platform we have chosen to install. The default configuration that gets deployed by the framework is Kubernetes with Calico Network Plugin. The framework uses another open source tool from CNCF named Kubespray. Kubespray is a CNCF certified Kubernetes Distribution so what you get in the end is pretty solid. In addition to Kubernetes itself with Calico Network Plugin, the stack will have Helm and Prometheus so you can use this deployment for real development purposes.

Once the installation of Kubernetes together with the components end, you will be presented with a summary and the script will exit successfully - at least this is what we hope at this point. You should have kubectl and helm client installed on your machine to operate against Kubernetes cluster.

We already noted what you get in the end but we list them here as well to summarize the deployment you have.

  • Platform: Kubernetes

  • Network Plugin: Calico

  • Storage: CEPH installed using Rook

  • Application Development: Helm

  • Metrics/Monitoring: Prometheus

Congratulations, you made it! \o/

3.3. Stacks Supported by Cloud Infra Automation Framework

As noted in earlier sections, the framework supports multiple stacks. In this section, we will provide steps to deploy those stacks and operate against them.

3.3.1. OpenStack

Deployment of OpenStack on libvirt and baremetal instances are supported by the framework.

The only configuration option (scenario) for OpenStack is with OVS and CEPH. Deployment of this scenario is same as the default scenario you deployed by following the steps documented in Running Your First Deployment with few additional parameters to set the right scenario.

The machine requirements are same as the one you deployed earlier but putting them here as well for the sake of completion.

  • Linux Distribution: Ubuntu 1804

  • Minimum no of cores: 10

  • Minimum RAM: 14G

  • Minimum Disk Space: 150G

Please note that the default mode of operation is online deployment so the machine you are using the framework on requires internet access.

What happens during the deployment process is nearly the same as the default scenario as well - the framework creates libvirt VMs, provisions them using Bifrost, and configures them. The main difference here is the configuration as the network setup for OpenStack deployments is different from Kubernetes deployments.

Provisioning is followed by installation of OpenStack which is perhaps the biggest difference comparing to the deployment of the Kubernetes based default scenario. For OpenStack installation, framework utilizes OpenStack installer Kolla-Ansible.

Now the commands to issue.

  1. Clone the repository from Nordix Gerrit - you can skip this step if you have the clone already

git clone https://gerrit.nordix.org/infra/engine.git
  1. Navigate to engine directory in your clone

cd engine/engine
  1. Issue the command to initiate the deployment

./deploy.sh -s openstack

Once the installation of OpenStack together with the components end, you will be presented with a summary and the script will exit successfully. Your machine will have the OpenStack clients installed and openrc file so you can operate against your deployment. Please note that you may need to activate Python virtual environment to access them which you can do using the command below.

source /opt/engine/.venv/bin/activate

We already noted what you get in the end but we list them here as well to summarize the deployment you have.

  • Platform: OpenStack

  • Networking: Neutron with OVS

  • Storage: CEPH

Installed OpenStack components are

  • Keystone

  • Nova

  • Neutron

    • OVS

    • VXLAN

  • Heat

  • Glance

  • Cinder

    • CEPH as volume backend

    • NFS as backup backend

  • Horizon

Installed infra services are

  • RabbitMQ

  • MariaDB

  • Memcached

  • Chrony

  • Fluentd

3.3.2. Kubernetes

As noted in earlier sections, the framework has support for deploying Kubernetes. Using the framework, Kubernetes can be deployed on instances created on OpenStack Cloud, on libvirt VMs, or baremetal nodes.

The configuration of the deployment can be manipulated using -c switch together with the scenario name. This then instructs the framework to configure Kubernetes according to user preferences. An example deployment with Calico plugin and Istio can be initiated using the command below.

./deploy.sh -s kubernetes -c k8-calico-istio

You can see the supported configuration options by clicking this link.

In addition to configuring the target deployment according to your needs, multiple versions of Kubernetes are also supported. Users can specify the version using -b switch.

./deploy.sh -s kubernetes -c k8-calico-istio -b 1.15

You can see the supported Kubernetes versions using this link.

You can always get help by using the frameworks help functionality.

./deploy.sh -h

3.3.3. ONAP Scenarios


3.4. Testing Your Deployments


3.5. Offline Packaging, Deployment and Testing

Nordix Cloud Infra Automation Framework supports packaging of open source technologies for offline installation in closed environments where internet access is either not available or not desired due to security reasons.

The framework enables this by packaging open source dependencies necessary to provision cloud, virtual, and baremetal resources and install stack on the provisioned resources. In addition to providing dependencies for provisioning and installation, test frameworks and test cases are also packaged so the deployment can be verified. The resulting package can then be put on to a USB stick or burnt to a DVD for installing in a closed environment where there is no internet connection.

Following sections describe the details of the implementation followed by user guide.

Please note that the current implementation can be considered as beta as it lacks support for key items and it is not time optimized. Further work will be done to introduce support for additional technologies and improve the user experience.

3.5.1. Supported Technologies

Nordix Cloud Infra Automation Framework utilizes open source tools to provision nodes, install various technologies on provisioned nodes, and test deployments. In order to enable packaging, offline deployments, and testing of the relevant technologies, the tools used to install those technologies require to be packaged and configured to work in closed environments.

Following sections lists what technologies are currently supported and which tools are used in different phases. Provisioning

Provisioning is the operation of making the nodes operational so the stack can be installed on them. This includes and not limited to powering the nodes on and off remotely using remote management protocols such as IPMI, providing Linux kernel to the nodes for initial boot, and supplying images so operating system can be installed on disk. This is followed by initial network configuration so target nodes are accessible via SSH and ready for further configuration and installation.

The framework uses Bifrost for provisioning virtual and baremetal nodes in a closed/offline environment. Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic is the supported operating system both on jumphost and target nodes and support for other other operating systems will be introduced on a need basis. Installation

Installation phase includes configuring the provisioned nodes for the stack installation, assigning roles to nodes based on the user needs, and installing stack on them. In some cases, the installation of basic applications is also part of the stack installation.

The framework uses Kubespray for installing Kubernetes on provisioned nodes in an offline environment. Ubuntu is the supported operating system on target and support for other operating systems will be introduced on a need basis.

Kubernetes can be installed using the following network configurations.

In addition to having capability to install Kubernetes with various network plugins, installation of below applications in a closed environment is supported as well. Testing

The work to package and test the target deployments is still in progress.

3.5.2. User Guide

In order to deploy Kubernetes using the framework in an offline environment, you need the package that is generated by the framework itself. Users can either package the dependencies themselves or fetch a promoted package that is produced and verified by Nordix CI/CD. Packaging

In order to run the packaging, you need to have a machine with internet connectivity. The minimum requirements for the machine are

  • CPU: 2 cores

  • RAM: 4GB

  • Storage: 300GB

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04

  • Software: git

  • Passswordless sudo

  • Internet connection

The packaging process is verified on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 18.04.2 and it is expected to work on latest Ubuntu 18.04 as well so you can attempt running packaging on a machine with any Ubuntu 18.04 version you may already have.

In addition to the need of having capable computer with supported operating system, the configuration of it needs to be adjusted as documented below.

  • You must have SSH keypair generated before running any commands. If you have one already, you are good to go. If not, you can generate keypair using the command below.

ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • Your user must be member of sudo group and have passwordless sudo enabled. Click here for how to do this.

Please follow the steps below to get the package created for offline deployments.


Use regular user

All the commands in this guide must be executed as regular user and not as root user! The framework elevates privileges itself as necessary.

  1. Clone the framework repository from Nordix Gerrit

git clone https://gerrit.nordix.org/infra/engine.git
  1. Navigate to engine directory in your clone

cd engine/engine
  1. Issue the command to initiate the packaging process

./package.sh -s kubernetes -b 1.17

After you issue package.sh command, the packaging process will start, fetching the dependencies from the internet. The packaging process could take up to 40 minutes depending depending on the specs of the machine you are using and your connection speed & bandwidth. During the packaging process, the framework fetches the dependencies listed below.

  • Linux kernel and Operating System Images to boot and provision nodes.

  • Operating system packages (Debian only)

  • Python packages

  • Git repositories

  • Binaries/executables

  • Container images

  • Installation script

Upon completion of the packaging process, the self extracting archive file /tmp/kubernetes-ubuntu1804.bsx is created. This file is approximately 4GB.

You can now use this file to an offline environment to provision nodes and install Kubernetes on them!

You can always get help by using the frameworks help functionality.

./deploy.sh -h

Advanced usage instructions will be made available soon. Offline Deployment

Offline installation is as simple as taking the generated self extracting archive file /tmp/kubernetes-ubuntu1804.bsx, copying it to jumphost, and executing it. Once the file file is executed, the dependencies will be extracted /opt/engine/offline folder which is where the framework will consume them during the deployment process. It is important that you do not modify the contents of this folder manually.

Once the decompression ends, you will be instructed with regards to the next step you need to take, which is initiating the actual deployment.

One important point to highlight here is that if you are provisioning and deploying on baremetal nodes, you must ensure you have PDF and IDF files for the POD available on jumphost and pass their location to engine deploy.sh script using -p and -i arguments.

Offline deployment functionality can best be demonstrated using virtual machines as the PDF and IDF files are delivered in the archive file. In order to try this out, please ensure you have a machine with minimum requirements below.

  • CPU: 12 cores

  • RAM: 16GB

  • Storage: 300GB

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04

  • Software: git

  • Passswordless sudo

In addition to the need of having capable computer, the configuration of it needs to be adjusted as well.

  • You must have SSH keypair generated before running any commands. If you have one already, you are good to go. If not, you can generate keypair using the command below.

ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • Your user must be member of sudo group and have passwordless sudo enabled. Click here for how to do this.

  • Your machine should have nested virtualization enabled. Otherwise, the VMs that are going to be created by the framework will have bad performance due to not using qemu with kvm extensions. Click this link to see how you can configure and verify nested virtualization. Please note that you may need to enable CPU nested virtualization capabilities on your computer’s BIOS if you encounter any issues. Consult your computer’s manual in this case.

  • Framework will create libvirt networks,,, and for this deployment. You must ensure that these networks are not in use on your machine. Otherwise, the deployment will fail.

The steps below assume that you copied the self extracting archive file to jumphost and it is located as /home/ubuntu/kubernetes-ubuntu1804.bsx. If the file is located some place else, please adjust the file path.


Use regular user

All the commands in this guide must be executed as regular user and not as root user! The framework elevates privileges itself as necessary.

  1. Execute the self extracting archive file

  1. Navigate to engine directory

cd /opt/engine/offline/git/engine/engine
  1. Issue the command to initiate the deployment process

./deploy.sh -x \
    -p file:///opt/engine/offline/git/hwconfig/pods/nordix-vpod1-pdf.yml \
    -i file:///opt/engine/offline/git/hwconfig/pods/nordix-vpod1-idf.yml

Once the command is issued, the deployment process will start with preparation followed by bifrost installation, provisioning, and finally Kubernetes installation. The installation could take up to 2 hours.

During the offline deployment process, several local services are provisioned on jumphost to serve artifacts for consumption by jumphost and target hosts. The local services and what they are served by them are listed below

  • Nginx
    • Linux kernel and operating system images used for provisioning (only Ubuntu 18.04 currently)

    • OS Package mirror to serve packages (only Debian currently)

    • Mirror for Kubernetes binaries such as kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet

  • Pip mirror: Python packages

  • Git mirror: git repositories

  • Local Docker Registry: Kubernetes and other relevant container images

  • NTP Server: to provide time synchronization for the nodes within the POD

After the succesful completion of the deployment, you should be able to issue kubectl commands on the machine you initiated the deployment on to operate against the cluster you just deployed.

kubectl get nodes

Baremetal deployments are same as the virtual deployments. As noted before, you must have PDF and IDF files available on the machine.

In addition to having PDF and IDF files, jumphost should have the minimum requirements below.

  • CPU: 4 cores

  • RAM: 8GB

  • Storage: 200GB

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04

  • Software: git

  • Passswordless sudo

Similar to virtual deployments, you must have SSH keys and your user must be member of sudo group.

  • You must have SSH keypair generated before running any commands. If you have one already, you are good to go. If not, you can generate keypair using the command below.

ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • Your user must be member of sudo group and have passwordless sudo enabled. Click here for how to do this.


Use regular user

All the commands in this guide must be executed as regular user and not as root user! The framework elevates privileges itself as necessary.

The steps below assume that you copied the self extracting archive file to jumphost and it is located as /home/ubuntu/kubernetes-ubuntu1804.bsx. If the file is located some place else, please adjust the file path.

  1. Execute the self extracting archive file

  1. Navigate to engine directory

cd /opt/engine/offline/git/engine/engine
  1. Issue the command to initiate the deployment process

./deploy.sh -x -p <path to PDF file> -i <path fo IDF file>

After the succesful completion of the deployment, you should be able to issue kubectl commands on the machine you initiated the deployment on to operate against the cluster you just deployed.

kubectl get nodes Testing the Deployment

Documentation for how to test the deployments will be available soon.